Newsletters 2018 archive
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KS1 & KS2 Explanatory Notes for parents School Development Plan Update Keep your child safe on the roads flyer EYFS Explanatory Notes for Parents Newsletter 12.7.19 NHS Measles Letter - 28.6.19 Geoffrey & Joy Flyer - Footwear Specialists 28.6.19 Leavers Lunch - Friday 19th July 2019 Foodbank Flyer 28.6.19 Newsletter 28.6.19 Eccleston Primary Summer Fest Cultural Educ - Asian Day CSSP Summer Holiday Sports 14.6.19 Newsletter 14th June 2019 Lancashire Science Festival Newsletter 24.5.19 26.4.19 Yoga Flyer 26.4.19 Safeguarding Leaflet for visitors and parents 26.4.19 Safeguarding Leaflet 26.4.19 Parent Prevent Brochure 26.4.19 Newsletter 29.3.19 - Endeavour Holiday Camp Easter Flyer 29.3.19 - Endeavour Holiday Camp Easter Booking Form 29.3.19 - Barnardos Letter 29.3.19 - Newsletter 1.3.19 - SchoolMoney Parent Password Information 1.3.19 - SchoolMoney Parent Password Guide 1.3.19 - Hero Lifestyle Yoga Classes in Bretherton 1.3.19 - British Values Statement for Parents 1.3.19 - Newsletter 25.1.19 - Newsletter 11.1.19 - Pre-Loved Uniform Flyer 11.1.19 - Newsletter 18.12.18 - Newsletter 4.12.18 - Holiday Dates 2019/20 4.12.18 - Newsletter 21.11.18 - Newsletter 21.11.18 - Blackburn Rovers Futsal Flyer 21.11.18 - Tarleton Library Flyer Parental Questionnaire 2018 7.11.18 - 12 Days of Xmas Flyer 7.11.18 - Mad Science Flyer 7.11.18 - Lest We Forget Flyer 7.11.18 - Newsletter 23.10.18 - Children's Calendar Competition 23.10.18 - Bretherton Cricket Club Bonfire & Fireworks 23.10.18 - The HUB Coding Club - 19.2.19 23.10.18 - The HUB Coding Club - 18.2.19 23.10.18 - Tarleton Academy Holiday Camp Flyer 23.10.18 - Newsletter 9.10.18 - Writing Workshop Letter 9.10.18 - Introductory Letter for Parents VR 9.10.18 - Newsletter 25.9.18 - Artistry Dance Flyer 25.9.18 - Values & Visions Meeting 27.9.18 25.9.18 - SIP For Parents 2018-19 25.9.18 - Newsletter 12.9.18 - Yarrow Quilters Flyer 12.9.18 - Primary Secondary Places Flyer 12.9.18 - Volunteers in School Letter 12.9.18 - Rugbytots Flyer 12.9.18 - Lego Junior STEM Flyer 12.9.18 - Flu Vaccination Poster 12.9.18 - Change in Worship Letter 12.9.18 - Newsletter