Art and Design
A high-quality Art and design education embodies some of the highest forms of human creativity. It will engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Building on this, they will be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of Art and design. They will also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.
(National Curriculum 2014)
Art and Design Focus 2023/2024
Bretherton Primary School is continually committed to encouraging creativity through a wide variety of forms and expression with high quality content and delivery. Last year we began our ArtsMark focus and made huge strides in developing our links with a variety of educational settings, including the local High School and Nursery. We have widely expanded our pupil experience of music, theatre and dance as forms of artistic expression and provided ample opportunity for the application of these new-found skills in the classroom. We commit to continue this high quality of Art experience throughout the 2023/2024 academic year, building on the enthusiasm our pupils have for the subject. Each year group will be allowed the opportunity to explore a range of materials, not only in drawing and painting, but by practising printing and collage, 3D art, exploring textiles and sculpture and utilising digital media, which is proving ever more useful. We have the exciting addition of a 3D printer in school this year, which will help enhance our digital design experience. We aim to stimulate creativity and imagination and provide access to a number of tactile, visual and sensory experiences. Pupils are encouraged to individually explore and celebrate such new skills and processes in order to develop their artistic creativity across the curriculum. Our bespoke Art scheme provides pupils with many exciting topic-related Art opportunities and a real celebration of the Arts throughout school.
Art Action Plan 2023/2024
- Medium Term Plan in the form of Knowledge Organisers available for each Art topic in Cycle B, ongoing throughout the year.
- Exemplars of WAGOLL work available for teachers to assist assessment.
- CPD Sessions to be completed for all staff.
History of subject development
Over the last 3 years we have worked hard on our Art and Design curriculum to ensure that key skills are mapped and are progressive throughout our classes. We have identified a requirement to increase the diversity of artists and styles of artwork that pupils experience, to ensure that our children are exposed to a wide variety of art, artists and media.
We have also reflected on the content and have identified the 'must' teach topics where Art and Design is explicitly taught and where we offer additional art-focused sessions. These bridge other subjects and topics to offer greater depth and content in the application of skills and knowledge. This maximises children's educational offer and allows for a balance of planned skills and knowledge, with creative opportunities in other subjects.