Information about our Governors


Pam Aspden Chair of Governors

I am the Chair of Governors, a member of the Curriculum and Standards Committee and a member of the Staffing and Finance Committee.  My two daughters both attended Bretherton Endowed, and I have maintained strong links with the School.  My career as a Manager in Higher Education Professional Services allows me to bring experience of staff management, resource planning and budget management to my  role as Governor.  I recently managed a Pre School Centre for three years as part of my role in Higher Education Student Support, and am therefore familiar with the management of Early Years provision, Ofsted inspection and Safeguarding. I am staff wellbeing and safeguarding and Prevent lead Governor.



Laurence Glew Vice Chair



I am privileged to be a Governor at Bretherton Primary, appointed in 2012 when my eldest child started Y2. All three of my children have since left the warm embrace of Bretherton and are now in - or soon to be beyond - secondary education. I continue to enjoy my relationships with staff, parents and other governors.

Since becoming a Governor I have enjoyed being involved in many aspects of school. In my time as a member and now Chair of the Curriculum & Standards Committee I look at all aspects of educational standards; ensuring the school has the best resources available and is using them to maximum effect.

I have additional responsibilities looking more in depth at school data, Maths as a subject – a particular interest of mine, and something receiving much needed focus by all authorities – Online Safety.

Our role as Governors is to represent the expectations of all stakeholders – local authorities, you the parents, but overall the children themselves. Every child deserves the best education we can offer.


Gwyneth Lloyd

I have been a Foundation Governor since 2010. I am the nominated governor for SEND and a member of the Finance and Staffing committee, Staff Appeals and Appraisal/Pay committees. I am also a Trustee Of Bretherton Endowed School who are also known as foeffees. I am a retired teacher with experience of working in both primary and secondary schools and it is a privilege to be a part of this outstanding school which aims to educate the whole child to reach their full potential.    


Anita Berry


I have been a governor since 2014. I have 2 children at school, currently in year 5 and 3.

I am the Chair of the Finance & Staffing committee and also the Class 1 Governor.

My background is in Finance, having worked in the Banking industry for 30 years.

It is a privilege to be a governor at our wonderful school where our focus is on giving the children the best possible start to their education, within a framework of strong Christian values. It is amazing to see how much the children develop academically, socially & spiritually in the Christian family environment that underpins all aspects of school life.

Stephen Townley


I am 49 years old, married with four children who have all attended Bretherton Endowed school.

I have been a Trustee School Governor since 2013 and I am currently the lead Governor for Health, Safety and Premises.

I am a Chartered Project Manager and work for Network Rail Infrastructure Projects.

I feel privileged to be a Governor at Bretherton Endowed and I am committed to improving our already excellent school for future generations


Mrs Amy Mee

To be added .....


Mrs Helen Fowler

It is a pleasure to be a Governor at Bretherton. I have two children currently in school and one child who has moved on to secondary. 

I have worked in school leadership for a number of years and have a passion for school improvement, curriculum development and staff development. 

At Bretherton I am a parent governor. I sit on the Curriculum and Standards Committee and work as the SEND Governor, alongside other roles within subjects, pupil and parent engagement and Class 2. 

Mrs Emma Spencer

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Mrs Spencer is our newest parent governor and has 3 children, 2 currently at Bretherton Endowed.


Pastor Anna Bradley

Pastor Anna Bradley.jpg

Pastor Anna Bradley

It is with great pleasure that I write a few words as I take on a new role here with the school.

I’ve had a passion for education for many years, my most recent post was at Hutton Grammar School, for 18 years as a science/biology teacher. Towards the end of this time I took on responsibility for worship within the school, supporting the Head of RE in maintaining the Christian distinctiveness. I absolutely loved this role and we were delighted when we achieved ‘Outstanding’ as a school, in the most recent SIAMS inspection.

As happens in life, events made teaching a much more physically challenging role for me and I was advised to step back from it. I had to wait and trust God for what to do next.

With remarkable timing the position of Pastor became vacant at Bretherton Congregational Church. Over time it became clear that this was where God had opened a new door for me.

I am absolutely delighted and honoured to become a Foundation Governor with responsibility for worship. Since moving into the village in 2011 when our youngest daughter was in year 6, this school has always been of great interest and importance to me.

With prayer and an openness to God I will do my utmost to listen and guide, to enable this school to build upon its own great Christian distinctiveness whilst being open to change and development of new ideas so that each child is given the opportunity to grow in faith and love.


Mr Oliver Hill


I am very proud to be a governor of Bretherton Endowed Primary. I was appointed as a parent governor in March 2017 and I currently have two children in the school.

I am an Associate Governor, having previously held the position of Parent Governor. I currently sit on the finance & staffing committee and Health, safety and premises committee.  My background is project management. I feel that my skill set can be utilised to assist in the continuous development of the school in many areas.

I have a vested interest in the school with my own children being in attendance and I am committed to improving the already existing high standards for the future children who attend Bretherton school.


Jeff Christie



I am incredibly proud to be a governor of Bretherton Endowed Primary School. The caring, Christain, family ethos that the headteacher and her team promote in their day to day practice with pupils, parents and staff is a real strength of the school. Having worked in education for 10 years I have some understanding of the many challenges that schools are currently facing and I consider it a privilege to support the school as a governor.

Staff Governor

Mrs Annabel DiFranco


I have recently joined the Bretherton staff team and feel very privileged to be a part of such a welcoming Christian community. It is clear that the children are at the heart of every decision made here, giving them the best opportunities and experiences. As a class teacher, it is a joy to help them discover their individual talents and share in their successes. My previous experience as a member of a Senior Leadership team has given me a good understanding of day-to-day school life and I look forward to working with our experienced governing body to support the school in its journey.


Mrs J Clarke


I joined Bretherton Endowed in January 2018 as deputy head teacher. I am proud to represent the school and be part of the governing team. I am dedicated to recognising the schools strong links with the past and am committed to ensuring the school has a positive future. I enjoy all aspects of my role particularly working with the children daily. I involve myself in all aspects of school life and enjoy being part of the Bretherton family.







Contact the School

Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School

South Road,
PR26 9AH

Headteacher & SENDCO | Mrs A Moxham

School Office Contact:

Mrs Paula Carlyon (Bursar) | Mrs Chrissy Mitchell (Business Support Officer)

NB: All documentation is in PDF format and is downloadable, however, if you require paper copies, please contact the School Office Manager