Class 4: Blog items
Class 4 enjoy an Art session with Alex, by Miss Hymers
Amazing experience at Liverpool Philharmonic fir Class 3 and 4, by Mrs Allchurch
Class 4 fun at Robinwood, by Mrs Moxham
Year 6 Art - Bringing Kandinsky to Life, by Miss Hymers
Year 6 Design and Technology 3-course meal Project, by Miss Hymers
Amazing day for our Y5 & 6 Equality Ambassadors at the Lancashire Primary Fairtrade Conference at County Hall-Preston., by Mrs Allchurch
PE Indoor Athletics, by Mrs Glew
Class 4 visit to WW2 Experience, by Mrs Glew
Learning about pilgrimage, by Mrs Glew
Class 4 D&T Textile poppies, by Miss Hymers
Thinking about the wider world., by Mrs Glew
Thank you, by Mrs Glew
Hive Hexagons Bishop Rawstorne Collaboration, by Miss Hymers
Class 4 Chefs, by Mrs Glew
Bishop Rawstorne visit Year 6 for ArtsMark collaboration, by Miss Hymers
Science Festival at UCLAN, by Mrs Glew
Science - Looking after our environment, by Miss Hymers
Confident Me., by Mrs Glew
Class 4 Inuit Art Printing, by Miss Hymers
Robinwood Day Three, by Mrs Glew
Robinwood Day Two, by Mrs Glew
Fabulous children at Robinwood, by Mrs Moxham
Robinwood Day One, by Mrs Glew
Class 4 Textile Art linked to Literacy, by Miss Hymers
Class 4 Science Classification, by Miss Hymers