Class 4: Blog items
KS2 Christmas party, by Mrs Glew
UCLAN forensic science Christmas investigation, by Mrs Glew
Ethos Remembrance Service, by Mrs Glew
Class 4 REMEMBER, by Mrs Smith
Investigating flight., by Mrs Smith
Investigating electric circuits, by Mrs Smith
Class 4 make bath fizzers, by Mrs Smith
Class 4 make parachutes , by Mrs Smith
Class 4 investigate strong shapes and foundations, by Mrs Smith
Stone painting, by Mrs Vincent
Class 4 blasting round Bretherton., by Mrs Smith
Class 4 being very studious., by Mrs Smith
Online safety rules in year 6, by Mrs Moxham
Lots of fun learning French with friends, by Mrs Smith
Year 7 students Charle, Lewis and Toby visited year 6 today to answer questions about High School, by Mrs Smith
Class 4 enjoyed finding out about animals who are heroes. The PDSA charity visited school today and talked to all the classes., by Mrs Smith
Thank you year 5 and year 6 for leading our worship, we loved hearing all about your fun trip to Robin Wood, by Mrs Smith
Learning about financial risks and enterprise, by Mrs Smith
Class 4 take the cup challenge, by Mrs Smith
If I could change one thing in the world I would ......, by Mrs Smith