School Improvement Partners

We have recently changed our School Improvement partner to DBE. DBE Services was founded by a group of Church of England Diocesan Boards of Education who saw the need to share resources to provide the highest quality service to Church Schools. They provide support, monitoring, audits and evaluations in order to support school self evaluation. Our school advisor produces a visit report each term and extracts of our progression is detailed below.

April 2023 - DBE school improvement visit Behaviour audit and walk through

February and March 2023 - School safeguarding CPOMS, SCR and Safeguarding audit update

January 2023 - DBE school improvement visit SEND audit and walk through.

October 2022 - DBE school improvement meeting PPG audit and action plan

September 2022 - EVC update and action planning

July 2022 - Safeguarding Audit led by Andrea Glynn at Schools Safegaurding

June 2022 - School Improvement Advisor to audit content, coverage and progression in D & T. 

February 2022 - School Improvement Advisor ( Mrs A Mitchell) led a staff meeting on subject leadership and how to measure progression and need for clarity of learning. 

11th October 2021 - School Improvement Advisor ( Mrs A Mitchell) interviewed subject leaders to discuss progression and content and planning of our curriculum. She acknowledged that our subject leaders have multiple subjects to lead which is a challenge but that workload was considered with the additional subject leader sessions school offers each term. Subject monitoring forms and action plan updates were shared.

Computing 'There is clear monitoring of the curriculum and evidence of progression and coverage is easily available'

PHSE - 'There is a clear programme of study for the required elements of the curriculum.
We discussed the additional elements such as first aid, debt management, substance misuse, bikeability, water and road safety which are all covered in the curriculum. RSE policy and curriculum is compliant and up and running in school.'

Art -'SL is passionate about her subject and has a clear understanding of the progression needed in the different areas of art. I saw some examples of work which demonstrated a clear learning journey through the current unit of work.'

D & T - 'SL has a clear understanding of the cornerstones and Project on a page resource used to support teaching in the subject.
Focus for current development is the aspect of digital DT. This links well with the developments in computing and will support the core curriculum skills and knowledge.'

Geography -' Subject leader is new to school and to the subject area. We discussed the main areas of fieldwork and this was felt to be an area which may potentially be an action for this year but further in- depth work needed to be conducted by the SL before a firm decision was taken.
Recommend: SL completes an audit of the long term curriculum offer for Geography and identified potential skill or knowledge gaps. Following this SL conducts a book look with pupil discussion to ascertain the current level of geographical knowledge within each year group. SL may also wish to spend some time with the EYFS lead to look at how early geographical skills and knowledge are taught through the knowledge and understanding objectives.
Finally I would suggest that the SL looks at linkage between geography and other curriculum areas particularly in respect of the locality themes in the overall curriculum.'

Languages - 'Non subject specialist leading through a French speaking bought in teacher. Full sequence of content evident'

PE - ' Non specialist leading through coaching with West Lancs Sports Partnership and new PE platform ' Succeed In'. This will result in more robust assessment. Sport and fitness is high priority to school.

History - 'Cornerstones has enlivened topics and key concepts in history and a piece of work will be done over this year to maximise local history in the long term curriculum plan.'

Science - 'SL is new to school and this curriculum area.Science has been led by an experienced SL in the past and has been handed over with an action plan which is concise and detailed. In this regard the SL can work with this plan whilst she becomes settled into school. Science is taught both through the Cornerstones curriculum and also discretely to ensure there is complete coverage of the NC.
Recommend:SL familiarises herself with the curriculum (in terms of topic and discrete coverage) and undertakes a book look and pupil discussion to gain insight into the quality of science delivery across the school.

English - 'SL is member of the SLT and has an extensive understanding of the whole school development of english in particular the current focus on writing.The plans for the development of writing are detailed and well thought out and staff will be well supported to put these into practice.
Linkage of this to appraisal objectives is sound practice and will enable staff the space and support needed to move this forward and achieve positive outcomes.'

Maths - 'Maths is taught through the mastery approach through the White Rose and NCETM materials. SL is conscious of the mastery approach pitfalls and has worked to address these. Following this work Mastery in Number has been introduced to support early maths and ks1 mastery.
SL is aware of the issues which have been uncovered during analysis of assessments around the teaching of reasoning which have been addressed and are being monitored.'

RE - 'School is following the Blackburn DIocesan Scheme and this is working well for the staff and pupils. We discussed the focus of the scheme and SL has a sound knowledge of this scheme and what should be taught in each year group. There have been strong links made in the past through the diocese with other faiths and it is hoped this can continue once the COVID situation eases. Children have benefitted from these links. SL feels well supported by the training and guidance.'

Music - 'SL is a specialist and as such understands the progression across the whole school and has chosen the scheme of work and additional resources to support the delivery of this by non-specialists. Music is very much a strong part of the Bretherton culture and is enjoyed by staff and pupils alike. Children get the chance to be involved in choir and in learning to play an instrument through the wider opportunities programme and further by own choice. Musical appreciation is well planned into aspects of the day such as collective worship and incidentally in the classroom – this will provide the children with a greater understanding of musical culture and history. Opportunities to perform for a range of audiences including on the bigger scale through young voices are strongly embedded.'

I have retained the previous couple of School Improvement reports here so you can share in our progress. 

Files to Download

Contact the School

Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School

South Road,
PR26 9AH

Headteacher & SENDCO | Mrs A Moxham

School Office Contact:

Mrs Paula Carlyon (Bursar) | Mrs Chrissy Mitchell (Business Support Officer)

NB: All documentation is in PDF format and is downloadable, however, if you require paper copies, please contact the School Office Manager